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Creating Student Design Challenges, Part 1
Is this Course for Me?
Who Is this Course for? What will I learn?
MODULE 1 - Overview - Creating Student Design Challenges, Part 1
Module 1, Video 1 - Introduction to the Work (3:44)
Self Assessment Survey - Round 1
Module 1, Video 2 - The Pedagogy (2:35)
Rapid Design Cycle, Video 1 - Build Empathy in Discovery (6:16)
Rapid Design Cycle Video 2 - Analyze, Define, and Generate Ideas (23:37)
Rapid Design Cycle Video 3 - Prototype and Test your Ideas (13:11)
Homework: Challenge Planning Guide
Homework: Mindset
Check Your Understanding Quiz - Module 1
Learning Reflection - Self-Assessment
Case Study - An Introduction
Creating a Team Culture
STOKES deck from Stanford
Design Mindsets
Rapid Design Cycle - SLIDES
Rapid Design Cycle Tools
Future of Electric Transportation - a Design Challenge Toolkit
MODULE 2 - Discover Phase, 1/2
Module 2, Video 1 - Diving into Discover (4:52)
Empathy Interview Tips & Tricks (6:01)
Module 2, Video 2 - More Empathy Building! (1:01)
Homework: Challenge Planning Guide
Check Your Understanding Quiz - Module 2
Learning Reflection - Mindsets and Empathy
MODULE 2 - Resources
Case Study - Supporting Students in the Discovery Process
MODULE 3 - Discover Phase, 2/2
Module 3, Video 1 - Thinking about Research & Systems (3:50)
Activity 1 - Interview a Lunch Program Subject Matter Expert
Activity 2 - Create a Cause and Effect Map re: The Lunchroom Experience
Module 3 - Video 2 - Secondary Research and Stakeholders (2:21)
Activity 3 - Secondary Research Items re: School-based Lunch
Activity 4 - Stakeholder mapping (3:53)
Homework: Identify Subject Matter Experts for your Challenge
Homework: Create a Cause and Effect Map for your Challenge
Homework: Build a Stakeholder Map for your Challenge
Check Your Understanding Quiz - Module 3
Learning Reflection
Activity Instructions and Handout - Infographics
Case Study - Identifying and Prepping Subject Matter Experts
MODULE 4 - Analyze & Define
Module 4 - Video 1 (1:48)
Activity 1 - Rose, Thorn, Bud (2:29)
Module 4, Video 2 (1:27)
Synthesis Video (3:31)
Activity 2 - Clusters, Themes, and Drawing out Insights/Hunches
Put it all together Activity-- Create a Problem-framing Pitch! (5:00)
Homework: Use Rose, Thorn, Bub on your own Challenge!
Homework: Synthesize the data from Rose, Thorn, Bud for your own Challenge
Check your Understanding Quiz - Module 4
Homework: Learning Reflection
Module 4 - Resources
Case Study - Rose, Thorn, Bud & other tools for Identifying Meaningful Insights
MODULE 5 - Generate Ideas
Module 5, Video 1 - GENERATING IDEAS!!! WOOT! (1:25)
The How and the Why of How Might We ??s (3:46)
Module 5, Video 2 - BEFORE you Brainstorm... (3:35)
Video - Brainstorming logistics (5:07)
Module 5, Video 3 - It's Brainstorming Time!! (0:24)
Module 5, Video 4 - Focusing on Concept Selection (0:48)
Concept Selection Tool - Presenting the Idea Prioritization Grid (7:11)
Concept Mapping Tool (1:46)
Module 5, Video 5 - Wrap up Phase 3 AND Part 1 of this course! (1:54)
Self-Assessment Survey - Round 2
Check your Understanding Quiz - Module 5
Homework: Create a Lesson Plan for your Challenge
Homework: Reflection on running a Brainstorming Session
Module 5 - Resources
Case Study - Oooh! What about this idea!?
Module 1, Video 1 - Introduction to the Work
Video for Module 1, Part 1
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