A content page titled What's Here  from the Toolkit

Everything you need!

Inside your toolkit is everything you need to run every dynamic Phase of your Student-led Design Challenge around the topic of Electric Transportation.

From class time requirements to scripts for classroom delivery of concepts, your toolkit provides the complete Challenge path: from Day one of your setup, all the way to student Pitch day and next steps!

Detailed Facilitation Guidance

We want your Challenge to be an awesome experience for both you and your students and provide guidance through every step-- including how to facilitate your classroom activities.

Coaching tips and opportunities to extend the learning are included throughout.

Phase Overviews

We want you to feel confident in your Challenge facilitation! With every move the students need to take to forward their process, we provide you a detailed understanding of 'the what,' 'the why,' and 'the how.'

Specific AND Creative

Design Challenges are full of flexibility -- you can run them for 4 students or 400, for weeks or months, as a single classroom or in conjunction with other educators -- but we know you need your students to pick up the skills they need to succeed. Everything included in your toolkit will support their journey under your guidance.

Example Curriculum

  The Future of Electric Transportation Toolkit
Available in days
days after you enroll

Toolkit Price