Construct’s Future of Equitable Schools Design Challenge asks K-12 student design teams: How Might We Improve School Experiences For Black, Brown, Latinx, Indigenous, LGBTQIA+, and Immigrant Students?

What and Why

Design Challenges prepare Students for a Complex and Rapidly-Changing World!

In this Future of Equitable Schools Design Challenge, we harness students’ passion for racial equity and social justice by asking them to create new and novel, high-impact design solutions that will improve and deepen the school experience for communities of color and/or other marginalized groups in schools.

Who Is This For? This guide is intended to support secondary school advisors and other educators as they run an equity-centered design challenge with their club or another dedicated group of students. We believe that this Challenge is most powerful when taken on by a student affinity group, but can be impactful in a diverse group of students as well.

Example Curriculum

  The Future of Equitable Schools
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days after you enroll

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Hear a Challenge Pitch!

The culmination of every Design Challenge is the pitch and student showcase. Hear from a cohort of participating schools, with students sharing their solution concepts, and feedback from their industry partners, admin, and others!